Winter has flown by! Baby Penny arrived, born to our friends, Jon & Kari and their two older children, Jonny & Lily. We celebrated the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, during Christmas. We're looking forward to celebrating a late Christmas in Wisconsin with the Ottum side of the family. Woo hoo! Here are a few photos of our busy winter:
Kari, Jonny (5), Lily (3), & Penny (1 week?)
Proud "Uncle" Steve holding her for the first time.
We didn't decorate much this year since we have travel plans, but we did get some beautiful Christmas cards from some wonderful people we love.
Thanks, guys!
The Oregon Capitol CHRISTMAS tree, in all its glory.
I love the capitol building.
There's something truly awe-inspiring found in old architecture.
Happy New Year to you and yours, with love from us!