Our new car has leather seats. Steve was very excited when we got it. I remember saying, "Leather seats are awful. They burn you in the summer and they freeze you in the winter." I just wanted to whisperingly remind Steve, "I was right!".
Other happenings around here include my new silverware drawer organizer. It's such a small, insignificant thing to you, but I rejoiced at the sight of the crisp white glowing back at me, knowing I can simply throw it in the dishwasher when it gets dirty. The old organizer was relocated to the knife drawer. I know. I have issues when it comes to organization. I'm slightly obsessed. In my defense, you should see our office. *No! no... You really, really shouldn't.*
What else is new... Oh! We bought plane tickets to visit all of our wonderful family and friends in Wisconsin! I am flying into Minneapolis, Minnesota on January 5th of the new year. I'll be in gorgeous Wisconsin for TWO WEEKS! I can hardly believe it! That was Steve's birthday present to me this year. It's quite a sacrifice for him. He'll be without me for a whole week, and then he's using a few days of his hard-earned vacation time to fly to Minneapolis on January 12th to join me and my family for an entire week. I'm incredibly excited. We'll be flying back home on Wednesday, January 18th and arriving in Portland around 11am. If you miss us so much you can't stand it, you're welcome to pick us up from the airport! ;)
A bit of sad news: Circle K on Capitol Street in Salem will be closing its doors on October 31st to bow out to another 7/11. We love Circle K. We don't love 7/11. We will be in mourning. My source tells me the rest of the Circle K's in Salem will be staying in business. So sorry to the people who are losing their jobs. Our prayers are with you! :(
It is October. It is chilly. Today is the day for the first pot of Corn Chowder to be deliciously created in our kitchen. Very excited for lunch. I love soup on chilly days. What's your favorite chilly day comfort food?
Thanks for reading! Hope you have a beautiful Autumn and a safe Halloween!