Here's a quick update - or at least it's supposed to be quick:
Yesterday was my last day leading the Campus Crusade for Christ bible study at Western TC. Sad! I didn't cry, but I did get a tiny bit choked up when I was telling everybody at the end. One of the students said, "This was the best bible study yet! Thanks!" That meant so much to me. It has been really difficult to motivate myself to pull those studies together the past couple of weeks. Honestly, I kept forgetting until Sunday night or the morning of before I studied the week's lesson. However, God is so deep and so powerful that he can infuse you with understanding and discernment you never knew you had when you open His word, and He can give you the ability to teach scriptures to others without any high level classroom instruction. Isn't that incredible? It is to me, especially when I'm sitting at a table with students and instructors looking at me, waiting for the next thought. Yikes!
I'm really going to miss learning from other students and being encouraged by them. Such an awesome testament to God's planning for our lives - knowing we need fellowship and encouragement every day.
Only 18 days until the wedding! Woo hoo! Steve and I are more than ready for the vacation to follow. It will be great to have time to spend together out hiking and being active, reading our bibles together, and simply living in the same time zone without the pressures and stresses of work and school. So exciting!! I found out there's a state park near our cottage that has canoe and kayak rentals. So, there will definitely be a day well spent.
I'm so excited for summer!! Beautiful sunshine! Beautiful Flowers! These are from last summer. Just a reminder of how much fun it is!

- Troops serving overseas and at home. Safety & encouragement in their walks with God.
- The wedding, of course. That it will be a time for us to serve and minister to others' hearts through our own love for each other and for God. Pray that everything goes smoothly!
- Our parents and siblings: Busy lives & minds - Pray for peace and refreshment for their hearts and minds. Energy to get through the workdays and discipline to take time with God.
- Friends who are getting married! Pray for the Lord to prepare their hearts to become each others' helpers and to look to the Lord for leading in their relationships and new lives as husband and wife.
Naomi & Kevin - May 31st
Ben & Leah - August 2008 - Grandma Mauppin (Steve's Grandma) - Pray that the Lord will heal her and help her to start feeling better very soon and that she'll be able to attend our wedding, Lord willing.
- Our relationship with each other and with God.
Please pray for us:
* Energy and refreshment for our wedding day
* Safe flight to Wisconsin for Steve
* Continually deeper understanding of what we're promising to each other before God
* Transportation for Wedding day, honeymoon, and trip to Madison airport.
* Safe flights back to Oregon!
* Joy for Kari - I'm starting school again on Monday, June 9th. Blagh...
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