Thursday, August 7, 2008

Crazy Day - As Usual

I've been meeting some of our Hispanic population in Oregon. I went blackberry picking by our church. There is a house with a fenced backyard next to the church parking lot, and the berries are pouring over the fence. So, I decided I would pick some of them.

Little did I know there was a giant dog on the other side and his tiny sidekick dog too. The big dog jumped on top of his dog house and was barking ferociously at me. He only had to jump about 3-4 feet to clear that fence, and I was starting to get a little nervous.

However, I really wanted those blackberries! :) So, I walked away toward the car and the dogs started barking a "nice" bark. Then the big one jumped off the dog house and ambled toward the house. I crept back to the bushes and started picking again. Well, they heard me a minute or two later and started barking and growling again. So, I decided to give up.

I was almost to the car when a skinny teenage Mexican boy came around the corner of the church. He kind of startled me, but I said, "Oh, hi!" He said hi then realized, "Ohh, you're picking the berries.... I was wondering who the heck was out there or what was going on..." I nodded and he continued, "I'm a neighbor. I live next door." I said, "Oh, do you mind if I pick those blackberries?" He didn't care. He told me his name is Luzaro, and also asked if I had a boyfriend, which I laughed at, then remembered I wasn't wearing my wedding ring because I sent it to the jeweler's to be sized! I had already told him I was 23, so it was still pretty funny.

We kept talking and I told him that my father-in-law is the pastor of the church. He asked what kind of church it is, Christian or Catholic. I told him it was Christian, and he said he went to the Catholic church a mile or so away. I know which one he's talking about because we drive past there on our way home from church, and they have potluck every Sunday.... Yum!!! I have to wait for lunch until we get home!! *stomach growling* He lives with his parents Maurialo (?) and Maria. He has an older brother who graduated from the same school as Steve, only one or two years later.

I also found out that huge dog is named "Chico" meaning boy. He should be called "Chico grande que quiere comerme" - Big boy who wants to eat me. Yikes! At least I have his name, so I can make a futile attempt to yell him into submission the next time we have an encounter. :P I do have a lovely bunch of blackberries for my trouble. So, I'm happy. I'm hoping Steve and I can see him again so we can hang out - with Luzaro, not the dog!! He seemed like a sweet kid.

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