Happy November, Everyone!
I love November -- for so many reasons.
For starters, it begins with my birthday: November 4th.
I also love the cooler weather, the beautiful colors in nature, and the deliciously "healthy" foods! Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin bread. Pumpkin everything. Caramelized butternut squash. Casseroles made of anything you can think of.
I was standing in line at Safeway looking at the latest cookbook featuring photos of mouth-watering casseroles. I found a picture that looked so tantalizing and held it up for Steve and said, "Doesn't that look delicious??" The guy at the register responded, "That looks great! My mom makes a really good casserole. It's the sloppy joe one." I was excited for the reminder, "Yeah!! The one with the biscuits on top!!" He started to look hungry, "Yes! That one! With LOTS of cheese. Tons of Mozzarella cheese!" Wow... I'm getting hungry again just thinking of that conversation. (I just love the friendly cashiers at my local shops.)
Then there's all the delicious treats and snacks! Caramel apples. Toasted pumpkin seeds. Caramel corn. Orange cranberry bread. Snacky mixes (Gardetto's & Chex Mix). Mixed nuts. Trust me. I can keep going... But enough with the torture!
I wanted to share this little (gigantic) part of my morning ritual with you. Each morning, I wake up and head for the bathroom. Almost immediately, I peek out the curtain to see what the day is going to be like... and there it is.

That huge, gorgeous work of art that is my weather tree. It towers over the neighbors' apartments and, some mornings, greets me with a wave. It tells me if it's a calm day or if the winds are going to howl. It sometimes pulls the clouds close around its shoulders, letting me know that it's a chilly morning, and I might want to wait it out under the warmth of my covers. Other days it's dancing in the sunshine with its arms thrown high in the air, swaying and rejoicing in the beauty of its surroundings. That's when it tells me that I've stayed in bed way too long, and I'm missing, possibly, one of the best days of my life! That's my weather tree. Love it! Often, its buddy, the crow, sits atop its head. I'm not quite sure the role of that crow. I haven't figured out if he's a protector of the neighborhood watching out for all the animals below, or if he's looking for someone to eat... The other constant is the
squirrel. Some day I'll have to discover and share the true characters of this little world I live in here at
Chemeketa House, and share with you their many adventures.
Yes, it's November. It's the first of the month. It's payday. =)
I was so happy to check my bank account and see $$ for the first time in weeks! I was explaining to Steve how the ability and the act of paying my bills is so satisfying to me - right down to the very tips of my toes. Clicking "submit" and receiving the confirmation email is to me as finding an 80% Off clearance sale with all the right sizes and colors is to a shopaholic. Crossing off that next bill is so fulfilling. It is proof to me each month that God is always faithful. This morning I also read Kirra's
story of God's faithfulness on her blog "
Kirra Sue: Everyday Lovies". Tears!

Another part of ushering in a new month is
Ebay auction prep and execution. The items in our house have a pretty high turnover rate. Mostly because the majority of "stuff" in our house is
Ebay inventory. One of my occasional jobs and favorite parts of assisting Steve is helping with the packaging and shipping of items. We have a special place in our hearts for flat rate boxes.
I have to admit that the true joy of the packaging and shipping process is... BUBBLE WRAP! I love love love this stuff. I quite regularly get scolded for popping it while wrapping up an item. I can't help myself! I would be so happy to be stuck in a room that is wall-papered with giant bubble wrap. I might even pay for the pleasure.
While in my haste to get the old out and the new in, I almost tossed out one of the "new" before I even knew it existed. I recently received my One Kings Lane purchase of the cutest Reston Lloyd Harvest Tea Kettle! It's great!
What I didn't know was that
OKL had included a sweet little notepad with my purchase! How cool is that?
Today I ordered a set of six Artland Ice Beverage Glasses. I'm pretty excited!
Next time OKL has a sign-up bonus of $15, you must do it! My teakettle and my glasses cost me only $5 each, including shipping and handling!
Happy November from Steve & I! We hope you have a beautifully blessed Fall 2010!