Having made no traditions for Independence Day yet, Steve and I set about the 4th with open minds. We both hate loud crowds and traffic, so we usually opt to skip the city fireworks. We tried it our first year out here, and it wasn't much fun.
This year, we kicked off the day with a 10+ mile bike ride to Minto-Brown Island Park. If you've read our blog at all, you may have noticed it's one of our favorite places to ride. It was so hot out! Thank you, Camelbaks, for helping us keep our cool.

After our ride, we chilled out at home until it got dark. Then we walked to the Capitol Mall Park to watch the fireworks. Since the sprinklers were on, there was only one other family there. The fireworks are set off over the river, about 8-10 blocks away. We enjoyed watching them without the cramped quarters, foul language, and cigarette smoke. It was fun to watch the little boys from the family ahead of us running in the sprinklers (against their mother's warnings) and to watch their cute dogs wonder what all the commotion is about. It was a really nice, low-key Independence Day. So thankful we have choices. So thankful for the choices so many have made to guarantee that freedom. So thankful for Jesus Christ - the true source of freedom.
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