Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter Happenings

Winter has flown by! Baby Penny arrived, born to our friends, Jon & Kari and their two older children, Jonny & Lily. We celebrated the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, during Christmas. We're looking forward to celebrating a late Christmas in Wisconsin with the Ottum side of the family. Woo hoo! Here are a few photos of our busy winter:

Kari, Jonny (5), Lily (3), & Penny (1 week?)

Sharing some of the baby love. How can you resist it? ;)

Proud "Uncle" Steve holding her for the first time.

We didn't decorate much this year since we have travel plans, but we did get some beautiful Christmas cards from some wonderful people we love.
Thanks, guys!

The Oregon Capitol CHRISTMAS tree, in all its glory.

I love the capitol building.
There's something truly awe-inspiring found in old architecture.

Happy New Year to you and yours, with love from us!

Our Little Buddy

We've been blessed with the opportunity and responsibility of sponsoring a young child through World Vision. His name is Adrian Ruben. He is almost four years old. He enjoys playing with toy cars, like any other little boy. He lives with his parents and siblings in South America. His family brings great joy to ours! What a privilege to carry this child before God in prayer, and to be blessed through sharing God's riches with his family.

I can't explain the thrill I feel when I see an envelope like this slip through the mail slot!

Check out those motor skills! Such a great little artist! We're so proud!

Late Birthday Post

Just a little post on how I spent my 26th birthday. =)

I received some pretty great gifts from some pretty special people. I didn't get photos of them all, but they're all equally awesome. Phil, Patty, and Maya, aware of how much Steve and I enjoy board games, gifted us with the incredibly fun Carcassone! I then got a package from mom and dad:

These scissors are incredible! A great help with Christmas gifts!

Beautiful flowers from Kiki!

I spent part of my evening at the Willamette Humane Society, helping out in the pet store.
It's always fun to see little critters get a new home!

My sweet husband treated me to dinner at a Mongolian grill.
Yummy! I love not having to cook some nights.

Can't beat a steaming plate of stir-fry! Mmm...

I had a wonderful birthday filled with lots of love and well wishes.
Thank you, everybody!
I'm sure my year will be amazing.
God is good!

Friday, December 17, 2010


I splurged.
Bob's Red Mill Stone Ground 100% Whole Wheat Flour
It now occurs to me, this must not be a splurge.
This must be a staple in our home.

The texture: Soft. Light. Fluffy. Substantial.
The taste: Rich. Nutty. Well-rounded. Fulfilling.

These chocolate chip cookies, made with Guittard chocolate chips, were picture perfect and tasted heavenly with a slight crispiness to the outside, a deliciously soft inside, and warm, melted chocolate in every bite. Mmm... Pass the milk, please!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holiday "Cook" Off!

This challenge is for those of you who thrive on completing menu plans, or who come alive when it's time to plan a party. There are two levels to the challenge. It's not necessarily a contest... Really a way to share our deepest culinary dreams. So here we go...

Plan a complete Christmas Eve Dinner menu, start to finish, for your four virtual guests who will be arriving in two days. A theme would be fun, but is not necessary. If you would like, you can include links to recipes. **I would love that!!**

The dinner must include the following 5 elements:
  • Appetizers
  • Soup & Salad
  • Entrees & Side Dishes (at least two sides)
  • Desserts
  • Beverages/Cocktails
When completed, post your menu as a comment on this blog, or email it to me if it is too long for the comment box and I will publish it as a follow-up post on our blog!

Challenge A:
The sky is the limit. You have no price limits, and all ingredients are available to you. However, remember you have only 2 days!!

Challenge B:
Precisely the same as Challenge A, except for a price limit.

Your price limit for the dinner (all elements included) is $40.
That means only $40 for a meal for five persons, or $8 per plate.

** If you are really bored or extra ambitious, feel free to submit a price list, detailing the costs of your dinner! Brownie points for you! (I know... You really just want the brownie! Sorry!)**

Let the challenge begin!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Twas the month before Christmas...

Now that Thanksgiving is officially past, Christmas is less than a month away! I've already put the snowman doormat outside the front door with a holiday wreath hanging above. A few Christmas fixtures and garlands are hung, snowman snow globes are on the coffee table, and there are two stockings hanging over the fireplace.

Steve and I have established a few traditions since we've been married. As with all traditions, they take time to develop. I'll share a few of them at the end, but I wanted to throw out an idea first. I've thought of doing paper prayer/thought stockings around the fireplace since it's just the two of us and it looks so lonely. We can't have all our family and friends here in person, but perhaps they could be with us in spirit and in thought. =)

Simply post a message and/or prayer request in the comment box on here or send me a message on Facebook, and I'll create a stocking for you/your family to post on our wall so we will have a reminder to think of you and pray for you throughout the holiday season!

Hornaday House Traditions:

  • Tour of Lights. Steve and I pour steaming hot cocoa into a thermos for each of us. We dig through the cupboards to find canned goods we can donate to needy families. We then bundle up with coats, gloves, mittens, and scarves, and hop in the car to take a drive through the neighborhood that is known for its many blocks of creative, unique light displays. Blocks and blocks of painted wooden cut-outs, moving creatures, musical displays... It's so much fun! At the beginning of the tour, you donate your canned goods and they give each person a free mini candy cane to enjoy during the tour. One of our favorite displays from last year was a house that was completely decorated with lights, except one strand or lights was hanging down half-way across the garage. At the end of the strand of lights, was the Grinch pulling them down and putting them in his bag! SO funny!

  • Whenever we can make it back to Wisconsin to visit my family, we really enjoy driving through the Rotary Lights as well. So many childhood memories there!

  • Christmas Tree. We don't have a set time for putting up our Christmas tree. It's sort of whenever we get to it. Hot cocoa is, again, one of our tradition elements. =) We start a fire in the fireplace, put "White Christmas" with Bing Cosby on the tv, pour ourselves some hot cocoa, and decorate the tree.. Nothing says Christmas like Bing's satiny voice! It's fun to tell the stories of each of the ornaments as we hang them on the tree. I ALWAYS use multi-colored lights. Steve and I both have memories of falling asleep by the glow of Christmas lights. Neither of our families were big on Santa Claus.

  • Christmas Eve Dinner. Growing up, my mom (Barb), had always put together a fondue dinner for Christmas Eve. I remember being tiny and having to wait for my color stick to be placed in the pot by an adult and then asking every minute if it was done yet. Since I don't know much about doing fondue, and Steve's family has never really done it, we tend to skip it when we're in Oregon. I've begun making enchiladas instead, with lots of green chilies and red peppers for a festive touch.

  • Presents. My family always opened presents on Christmas Eve. I think we still tend to do that, however it gets a little confusing between all the families. As we got older, we began drawing names. We do that off and on from year to year.
That's about all the traditions we have. What about you and your family??

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who is this Stig guy?

Local badboy...

International legend...

He's been known anything.


Along with some friends of ours, we enjoy watching BBC's Top Gear. Best car show I've EVER seen. A key feature to the show is their mysterious team racing driver, The Stig.

For our friend, who is a new dad for the third time (baby girl), I brainstormed the following. Hope he likes it! =)

Printed image off the net & cut with Xacto knife:

Secured stencil to onesie with packing tape:

Used permanent marker to create the image (Silver & Black):


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Loathed Loves

The following are my loathed loves - the things I love, but hate to need...

My nose loves...
My sinuses and mouth love:

My immune system loves:

My miserable mind loves:

My chilled body loves:

Whether it's temporary allergies or a miserable cold, I'm going to be warm and comfy today!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Meet... The Unnamed Dog!

The dog with no name. She is a sweet mutt. She is definitely not a pure bred and she could use a lot of training, but she's full of love and snuggles!

She may be small, but she's a bundle of high-strung energy. She would run with the best of them...if only she had four legs. But she doesn't let that keep her down!

She is a tactile pet. She loves to be touched and petted. The more, the better! She is made from many different materials including cotton, fleece, flannel, vinyl, terry cloth, and pom-poms. Inside, she is full of surprises! Some of those surprises are cotton batting, flax seed, denim, and bubble wrap! There is more... But we'll let that be her little secret.

She's a young pup and still gets tired. She's never down for long. Her quick "cat naps" replenish that youthful vigor and she's on the run again!

The biggest mystery about this lil' pup isn't her name. It's her owner! The above picture is a hint of who she's on her way to see! Can you guess? Hint #2: She's also small and full of energy!

Thanks for checking out my latest creation! Hope to make more soon!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Old Out, New In

Happy November, Everyone!

I love November -- for so many reasons.

For starters, it begins with my birthday: November 4th.

I also love the cooler weather, the beautiful colors in nature, and the deliciously "healthy" foods! Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin bread. Pumpkin everything. Caramelized butternut squash. Casseroles made of anything you can think of.

I was standing in line at Safeway looking at the latest cookbook featuring photos of mouth-watering casseroles. I found a picture that looked so tantalizing and held it up for Steve and said, "Doesn't that look delicious??" The guy at the register responded, "That looks great! My mom makes a really good casserole. It's the sloppy joe one." I was excited for the reminder, "Yeah!! The one with the biscuits on top!!" He started to look hungry, "Yes! That one! With LOTS of cheese. Tons of Mozzarella cheese!" Wow... I'm getting hungry again just thinking of that conversation. (I just love the friendly cashiers at my local shops.)

Then there's all the delicious treats and snacks! Caramel apples. Toasted pumpkin seeds. Caramel corn. Orange cranberry bread. Snacky mixes (Gardetto's & Chex Mix). Mixed nuts. Trust me. I can keep going... But enough with the torture!

I wanted to share this little (gigantic) part of my morning ritual with you. Each morning, I wake up and head for the bathroom. Almost immediately, I peek out the curtain to see what the day is going to be like... and there it is.

That huge, gorgeous work of art that is my weather tree. It towers over the neighbors' apartments and, some mornings, greets me with a wave. It tells me if it's a calm day or if the winds are going to howl. It sometimes pulls the clouds close around its shoulders, letting me know that it's a chilly morning, and I might want to wait it out under the warmth of my covers. Other days it's dancing in the sunshine with its arms thrown high in the air, swaying and rejoicing in the beauty of its surroundings. That's when it tells me that I've stayed in bed way too long, and I'm missing, possibly, one of the best days of my life! That's my weather tree. Love it! Often, its buddy, the crow, sits atop its head. I'm not quite sure the role of that crow. I haven't figured out if he's a protector of the neighborhood watching out for all the animals below, or if he's looking for someone to eat... The other constant is the squirrel. Some day I'll have to discover and share the true characters of this little world I live in here at Chemeketa House, and share with you their many adventures.

Yes, it's November. It's the first of the month. It's payday. =)
I was so happy to check my bank account and see $$ for the first time in weeks! I was explaining to Steve how the ability and the act of paying my bills is so satisfying to me - right down to the very tips of my toes. Clicking "submit" and receiving the confirmation email is to me as finding an 80% Off clearance sale with all the right sizes and colors is to a shopaholic. Crossing off that next bill is so fulfilling. It is proof to me each month that God is always faithful. This morning I also read Kirra's story of God's faithfulness on her blog "Kirra Sue: Everyday Lovies". Tears!

Another part of ushering in a new month is Ebay auction prep and execution. The items in our house have a pretty high turnover rate. Mostly because the majority of "stuff" in our house is Ebay inventory. One of my occasional jobs and favorite parts of assisting Steve is helping with the packaging and shipping of items. We have a special place in our hearts for flat rate boxes.

I have to admit that the true joy of the packaging and shipping process is... BUBBLE WRAP! I love love love this stuff. I quite regularly get scolded for popping it while wrapping up an item. I can't help myself! I would be so happy to be stuck in a room that is wall-papered with giant bubble wrap. I might even pay for the pleasure.

While in my haste to get the old out and the new in, I almost tossed out one of the "new" before I even knew it existed. I recently received my One Kings Lane purchase of the cutest Reston Lloyd Harvest Tea Kettle! It's great!

What I didn't know was that OKL had included a sweet little notepad with my purchase! How cool is that?

Today I ordered a set of six Artland Ice Beverage Glasses. I'm pretty excited!

Next time OKL has a sign-up bonus of $15, you must do it! My teakettle and my glasses cost me only $5 each, including shipping and handling!


Happy November from Steve & I! We hope you have a beautifully blessed Fall 2010!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Free Things to Do For Your Spouse

Two Rules:

  • Must be 100% free: Borrow & Beg.
  • Must primarily benefit your spouse.
  1. Bake cookies! The BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies.

  2. Clean the house! Pick 1 room! (Wives LOVE this surprise!!)
    *How to Speed-Clean Your Kitchen - Real Simple*

  3. Stir up some piping hot cocoa, tea or coffee in a thermos and create your own walking tour of your neighborhood. Make up stories about the unknown residents of different houses. Collect some beautiful leaves while you're at it!

  4. Decorate the living room or bedroom with a theme. One of our favorites was the Camp-In!

  5. Romantic massage. Grab some lotion and get to it! If you have massage oils, all the better! Video. Step-by-step: This page does a great job touching on a few basic points I learned during my time in massage school.

  6. Go for a direction-less drive in the country and watch the sunset. Take turns choosing directions! Be sensitive to your partner's needs. They may be tired, and want to spend a night in. Just ask. =)

  7. Like to Hike & Bike? Find trails near you!

  8. Movie night: Popcorn. Blankets. Cuddling. If you are tired of your own movies, ask to borrow a few from friends & family. Libraries can also be a great source of "free" entertainment. Check out some reviews or fire up Netflix (requires paid subscription) for your browsing pleasure.

  9. Storytime. Did you know that Dorothy didn't have ruby red slippers? They were silver! Spend an evening on the couch or snuggled in bed reading aloud your spouse's favorite classics and fairytales, or make up your own stories! Here are some suggestions.

  10. Gameplay. Play a boardgame, video game, or create your own game. It can be as tame or crazy as you want. You can even take turns making up short games. Beware! You might end up laughing so hard it hurts! Just remember to respect your partner's comfort levels and boundaries.

  11. Do a photo shoot! Your subjects can be anything from yourself or your spouse (if they're not shy) to nature or architecture. What you see is what you've got! Grab your camera phone, point-and-shoot, or DSLR, and have a blast! You could even do a scavenger hunt!

  12. If your honey likes to garden, surprise them with a winter herb garden for the kitchen window! If you think they would enjoy it, you could plant it together. Enjoy delicious, fresh, healthy herbs all winter long!

  13. Cook dinner ~ for them or with them! Put those herbs to good use and whip up something tasty! Make it elegant and pull out the good stuff ~ candles, goblets, china, and all! (Wives LOVE this too!) Check out for a highly rated recipe that is sure to be enjoyed!

  14. Stargazing. Some of you may need to drive a bit to see the gorgeous lights of night, but it's worth it. Check the weather and the night sky before you head out. (I know I said free, but this is really cool: The iPhone has an app called "Star Walk - 5 stars astronomy guide" that might make your date think you're a modern-day Galileo for $2.99.)

  15. Create a treasure hunt around the house, with you as the booty.

  16. Establish a fun ritual. For awhile, Steve and I were spending Friday nights with our great friends, Jon & Kari, watching a favorite TV show and greedily eating brownie sundaes. When the show was cancelled, our ritual sort of fizzled out. We have such great memories from it though!

  17. Time & Space for Passion. Though it seems rather passive, allowing your partner time, space, and encouragement to pursue a passion, old or new, can be invigorating to a marriage. Especially if you are actively encouraging them.

    Steve has always liked motorcycles. Recently, he expressed the desire to get his learner's permit and buy a bike. I encouraged him to by quizzing him on the test questions and relinquishing my grip on the $$. While his hobby of fixing up his "new" bike (this type of bike) has gotten under both of our skin, at times literally with a wire brush, I was excited to see him animated and passionate about something. He's eager to give me a ride on the back of his bike. I'm not sure "excited" is the best word for what I feel at that suggestion, but I'm always up for a little adventure. Besides, if he drops his bike, it's been shaken upon that he owes me a $200 shopping spree. ;)

    Drop the bike! Drop the bike!

    I'm kidding...

  18. Study a subject your spouse is fascinated by. Find out what perks their interest. What TV shows do they enjoy? What news articles do they bother reading past the headline? What do they invest their free time in? The Bible is naturally my first suggestion, but not all people are admittedly fascinated by it. You should be! If this isn't the case...

  19. Pray for your spouse. It is free and it will 100% benefit them! Pray for them privately, humbly, and persistently. Ask God to lay it on your loved one's heart to pray for you too! I guarantee that anybody currently in a marriage needs prayer. If you deny that, you need it twice as much! ;)

  20. Listen up! I'm going to say it! Sex. I want to make a very important clarification here. Sex is not love. Sex is an expression of LOVE. I looked up the definition of LOVE using Google.
Does it anger anyone else that one of Princeton's definitions of LOVE is "sleep together: have sexual intercourse with"? Sex does not equal love. I hope we are clearly teaching people this. It should break each of our hearts if 1 single person has ever believed this. What heartache is theirs...

Ladies & Gentlemen...

It is my great pleasure to introduce to you...
True Love!

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
Love never dies.

1 Corinthians 13:7 The Message

This is the kind of love you never fall out of.

Let's give our spouses true love!
God's love.

Every day.

What are free or inexpensive ways you show your spouse you love them?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Re: 25 Things To Do Before Turning 26

My 26th birthday is in 1 week and 2 days. The countdown has begun!

This reminded me of my oft forgotten To-Do List. So, here is a recap! Let's see what I have accomplished and what else I can accomplish in 1 week and 1 day before we reach the deadline: 26! Deadline... That's cheery.
  • Lose 50 lbs! (exercise, eat right, positive thinking)

    I think I am closer to having gained 50 lbs than having lost! However... Since I never recorded my starting weight, nobody knows, but me! And Steve... And God... Guess what's going on next year's list!

  • Eat at least one salad per day - I don't like salad. :P

    Correction: I really don't like salad. Next month's menus include a whole lot more salad and veggies though. I won't count it off quite yet. It still needs doing.

  • Shoot, Print, Matte, and Frame one of my own photos. I can still do this!

  • Spend a healthy weekend at Crater Lake. I was sick when we went to Bend...

    Not happening this year.

  • Visit Mt. Hood and make a snowball.

    Still not happening this year.

  • Hike 8 miles at Opal Creek.

    Really not happening this year.

  • Say “NO” without regret.

    I probably learned this a little too well! haha

  • Kiss my niece and make her smile. Praise and hug my nephew for being an amazing kid!

    Such an incredible accomplishment! I LOVE those kids!!

  • Spend a girls' afternoon with Jules.

    Amazing! While it wasn't an entire afternoon with just the two of us, having coffee with Julie and just talking was such a gift. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to fly 2,000 miles to do this!

  • Get a job, even part-time or temporary.

    I truly didn't think I would accomplish this! However, I had a part-time job for 13 months. I almost discounted that since it was just babysitting in my home. Yet it brought in helpful amounts of revenue and made me feel purposeful. I also am volunteering once a week at the Humane Society. Very fulfilling work.

  • Finish my H.R. Degree courses.

    A good, yet frustrating note. I won't finish by my birthday, but I only have ONE course left! I'm super excited!!

  • Have at least 10 girls' nights out with Kari S.

    Ten may have been a lofty goal, but we have hung out a lot more often and we recently spent 5-6 hours sculpting a cake and enjoying each other's company. Looking forward to many more! She's an awesome woman!

  • Regain my self-confidence. (take medicines, exercise, eat right, be the "real" me)

    I wasn't going to count this either, but I looked over the last year and have seen really good progress. I'm not always self-concious in public. I've reduced my medications! Huge accomplishment to me. I'm exercising. I have also stepped out into more conspicuous roles, even into a leadership role.

  • Memorize 10 amazing songs on piano.

    I've been learning a lot more songs, but not memorizing them. They're pretty involved for my amateur fingers and musical mind!

  • Attend a concert. I watched Natalie Grant sing "Held" live. How touching! I cried! I was also introduced to Mary Mary. Definitely out of my "white girl" realm, but I loved it!

  • Sew decorative pillows for my bed. I have everything, I just never finish projects!

    I DO finish projects! I can say that after sewing my butt off the last few weeks! The pillows, however, are still in the same bag they came home in. I still have a week to finish one!

  • Designate a weekly date night with Steve & stick to it.

    haha I finished half! This one is more difficult because it includes working with someone else - namely my busy husband. We have had some amazing dates, even if not weekly. I think we may go to monthly for the next year.

  • Pray about and find a place to serve at church.

    God answered this in a huge way. Along with the ladies of Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church, I have been a part of an amazing monthly women's bible study. Praise, God! He has met our needs in so many ways. We have grown as women of God and as members of our local church body. Our October meeting is this Saturday. Pray for me to lead well, and for God to touch each woman's life. A special "Thank You" to my amazing dad who prompted and encouraged me to put this on my list and accomplish it. I love you, dad!

  • Seek God - - daily time in the Word & prayer.

    I wonder if I'll ever accomplish this in my lifetime as a regular habit. It feels like an insurmountable hurdle in my daily life and my spiritual growth. But God gives more grace!

    "You're cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way. And do you suppose God doesn't care? The proverb has it that "he's a fiercely jealous lover." And what he gives in love is far better than anything else you'll find. It's common knowledge that "God goes against the willful proud; God gives grace to the willing humble." James 4:4-6 The Message

  • Ask for help without feeling guilty.

    Still a struggle, but it's so relieving and rewarding to know I don't have to do it all alone! In many cases, I'm not meant to!

  • Only cook full dinners twice a week – small suppers other nights.

    I love to cook. Period. =)

  • Create a budget & be financially accountable - - dedicate to eliminating debt!!

    Two words: recurring struggle. Another one of those things I wonder if it is possible at all... We have made a TON of headway on our debt, but we still feel so far from our goals. Can I say I completed it? No. Have WE completed it? I'll give us half. ;)

  • Find JOY on difficult days. No self-pity!

    This was a rough one, having come through some really tough illnesses and physical struggles. It can be almost impossible not to ask "Why me, God?". I am constantly learning to find joy in the growth opportunities God chooses to set before me, and to say, "Here I am, God! Choose me!"

  • Make an effort once monthly to reach out to siblings who are distant.

    This is one thing I truly regret neglecting. A whole year of relationship down the tubes. I can't get those chances back, but I can take hold of each new one in the coming days, weeks, and year! I have an incredible family, and it is entirely my loss to neglect those relationships.

  • Give Steve personal space. Encourage him to achieve goals. Give him something to chase. ;)

    Oh boy! How I've regretted accomplishing this one at times!! I think my friend Kari regrets it as well! Sorry, Kari! haha However... I love seeing Steve passionate about something, even if it causes him headaches and blood loss. I know he'll be so stoked when his 1976 Honda TL 125 "Tilly the Hun" is restored. So will I! =)

    Do you keep a list of goals you would like to accomplish in your life? What are goals that you have found worthy to list and/or rewarding to accomplish? I would love some ideas for my "26 Things To Accomplish Before Turning 27" list for the next year! It will be published in 1 week and 2 days!! I'm excited!

  • Today's Color: Cherry Blossom

    I love the color of cherry blossoms - from white to marachino and even bing... They are gorgeous, and they smell divine.

    They were the main flower of our wedding decor, and I love seeing them blossom every spring in the Capitol Mall Park near our home. They bring back so many wonderful memories.

    Monday, October 25, 2010

    Happy Rain

    It is, yet again, one of those days here in Oregon...
    I decided to focus on what I enjoy about these days.
    We've had a squirrel who climbs on the neighbor's roof and peeps in the bathroom window. He's been around for a year or more and is a rather indecent, immoral squirrel, but we like him anyway.
    The second floor of our house is shockingly warmer than the main level. My feet hit the vinyl floor at the bottom of the stairs in the morning, and I have to stifle a yelp. Thank goodness for cappucino machines, my mother-in-law's homemade hot cocoa, and cute, wintery mugs. Yes, mom! It is the mug you sent last Christmas! I love it!

    It's also officially Grilled Cheese season in our house. Two meals in a row and counting. Yum! Of course, soup is always on the side.

    Just because the sun quit its day job, doesn't mean my chores have ended. One of my favorite chores in the fall & winter is folding hot clothes straight from the dryer! R.E. doesn't like to fold laundry, but he enjoys basking in the heat.

    Last, but not least! Boots! I have my rubber rain boots and my fuzzy slipper boots (also from mom last Christmas). I love that my slippers have a rubber sole so I can wear them around the house and even to run out to the car when it's dry outside! Not pictured are my wool socks. I love them too. =)