Monday, May 12, 2008

Summer Happenings on Rublee Street

Our neighborhood ducks, Wilbur & Ida, had their little ducklings hatch today! Enjoy watching their first trip out of the nest and on the way to the river. Yay!

Look closely! They're jumping off the raised bed! Ouch!
Follow Mama! Freeze little ones! Someone's watching us!
Slowly...Ready... Set...
Behind the car...

Along the side of the garage...
Across the driveway...
Down the side of the house...

Mama! Where are you??Whoo! We made it off of the curb! Yay!
Why did the ducks cross the road? To get to the river!!
We lost the ducklings and Ida in the trailer park. Oh well...
There's always next year!

Boo! Who is this? A little wood chuck??
Uh oh! He saw me! :) The end...

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