Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mindblowing Intelligent Design

I love living life. Even for the simple reason that the everyday moments reveal to me more fully who my Creator is and how our relationship works. Marriage has opened my eyes to see what sacrificial love is, and how very much God loves each of us, using our imperfect humanity to demonstrate the divine. Now that we're expecting a child of our own, I've experienced what it means to "eagerly await" Christ's return. Whenever we pencil in the next appointment on the calendar, my whole world begins to point to that day. To the excitement and joy of seeing our little baby on the ultrasound display and knowing everything is going great. How much more should I be looking for Christ and anticipating the joy of His presence and the glory of everything being righted and made perfect again?? God is good, and I'm so blessed to walk through this earthly life with Him by my side!

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