Friday, January 15, 2010

Jillian Michaels is killing me

...and I love it.

I recently picked up Jillian Michaels' "30 Day Shred" workout DVD. It's a new year, and I'm ready for a new way of life. One filled with a lot more adventure and adrenaline. The challenge begins with dragging out the old (fat, apathy, and a struggling diet), and hauling in the new (discipline, muscles, and metabolism).

Day one was pure embarrassment as Steve watched me huff, puff, spit, and groan my way through it. I collapsed on the floor more than my fair share of times after the strength and cardio segments, but Steve kept encouraging me to keep at it and finish strong. My husband is incredible! And he's showing me that I am too! Even if I lost my supper afterward.

"30 Day Shred" is made up of 3 components: Strength, Cardio, and Abs. The program offers three levels. Each level contains three circuits of Strength (3 minutes), Cardio (2 minutes), and Abs (1 minute), which all combine to give you a rigorous, literally butt-kicking 20-minute workout.

I just finished day two, and I'm already feeling the results. I have more energy, more endurance, and I feel a lot more positive about my body, my life, and my future. It feels amazing to utilize the discipline and strength God designed me with! One result Steve didn't like was my declaration, "I'm never eating at Jack-In-The-Box again!!" That's our favorite fast food burger chain here in Oregon. After his workout, burgers are all he thinks about! :)

I was dreading day two of this workout, and now I can't wait to see what day three brings!

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

I feel your pain! I rented this from the library just to give it a try, thinking, "oh, twenty-thirty minute workout? I can handle that". wrong. oh. my. goodness...
this woman is a beast! after the first five minutes, I was quickly reminded of what a wimp I am and how out of shape I have gotten!
good luck!