Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pressing on

Great news, good news, and not-so-good news.

Great news first! We got a phone call from Patty (sister-in-law) last night saying one of my dearest friends just had her baby! We're soo excited for Naomi and Kevin and their baby girl Tirzah. It's sort of a tearjerker, the good kind, because I know Naomi has dreamed of being a mom since we played house together at the age of six and seven. To see how God is so good and how much He loves to give us the things we so fervently long for is such a refreshing realization. Praise God! Little Tirzah, we dedicate in our hearts to pray for you as you grow, that you would come to know the Lord's love and salvation, and to bring you and your family before the Lord in all seasons of life! We love you!

I don't know how you can possibly follow the miracle of life with anything that seems remotely good in comparison, but this is my own little gift from God. I've been feeling better, even if it's not consistent. I'm realizing the trend is that of a roller coaster. I stayed awake for the majority of the day yesterday, whether I felt up to it or not. I'm deciding that's a blessing because it means I'm getting more energy. Yay! Thank you, Lord! I also received some very meaningful messages from friends and a special woman that God has used her trials to encourage me (Thanks, Kathy!).

The not-so-great news... Well, it's hard to say anything is not-so-great in light of the what I've already come through. Yesterday, I started that new anti-depressant. I was excited until the severe abdominal cramps hit me with renewed nausea and the need for urgent bathroom trips. I had a hard time concentrating on what the doctor and pharmacist were saying to me at the clinic, and after Steve heard how I was feeling he said, "I think you were supposed to take it with food." No kidding. I woke up this morning with pretty bad nausea. I'm not sure why. I'm starting to get angry about it, and I know I need to just lay it at the Lord's feet. I took my meds, forced down two rice cakes and some gatorade, and took the anti-depressant. Right now I'm waiting to see what happens. Please pray I can tolerate whatever comes along. I'm hoping to sleep a bit today for the sake of my sanity. :) If I'm not feeling back to normal by Saturday, I may postpone my oral surgery (wisdom teeth) indefinitely until I feel strong enough to handle more pain and drugs. For now, it's scheduled for March 9th.

If you have time, feel free to comment here, email me (, write me on Facebook, or give me a call (608) 780-8438. I can't promise I'll answer the phone since I may be sleeping or have no energy, but I'll do my best. Thanks!

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